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Pedocat is verydemotivational!!!



Chill-out session d^.^b

Take this, sit back and relax… Find a quiet place, turn the volume uuuuuuuup, up in the air, have a smokie at the window, breathe in the city air (but exhale quickly 😀 ) , watch the stars/&the moon, let the mental pestilence fly away…

I’M IN!!!!!   * (amen!)

T2ON (TRON): Legacy. The review of the preview

28 of (R)oc(k)tober, the day of the long waited TRON night. I must say first that I did not see the ’82 TRON by Steven Lisberger (director and writer), but I will see it before the full TRON: Legacy.

For the introduction I must say that the name of the director is Joseph Kosinski, and that this is his first movie. Steven Lisberger is still in the picture, as a writer, executive producer, and even actor (apparently nobody knows the name of the character (if he has one)…yet!). And you will also get to see both  Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter, from Daft Punk, the elecTRONic french band, also unspecified but credited  characters.

*no spoilers!

So, after this short 23 minutes preview, consisting of a number of really intriguing scenes, I can shoot you with these bullets:

  • hacker
  • cyber/futuristic (and dystopian) world (cyber clothes, cyber chicks, cyber motorcycles, cyber cars, cyber dropships, probably cyber planes and who knows, maybe some cyber sex 😀 )
  • disc fights, much cooler than the old-fashioned laser sabre fights
  • wise-effect
  • epic OST
  • quite predictible story (I can already feel a happy ending, and the fact that there will be sequels)
  • probably will be considered to be “the second Matrix”.

All in all a must see, if you are a fan of cyberpunk and dystopies.

See you at IMAX! 😛

….and since a little music video says more than a thousand words.. here you go:

Tastes like … maraciucaaa!!!!

ÃŽn caz că nu ÅŸtiaÅ£i ce este maraciuca… ei bine, veÅ£i afla. Am aflat ÅŸi eu acum 2 minute ÅŸi vreau să împărtăşesc această minunată revelaÅ£ie cu toată lumea 😀 Behold….. the great maraciuca!!!!

New Stella Artois commercial !!!

Wes Anderson (“The Darjeeling Limited”, “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou”- really good movie, I’m still in awe because I got to see this weird combination of “Kodak moments” (apparently superficial),  funny situations and the tragicomical human relationships, not to mention the spectacular effects when it comes to the aquatic life – like the rainbow coloured seahorse 🙂 ) and Roman Coppola ( “CQ”, second unit director for both “The Darjeeling Limited”and “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou”) have worked together again for a 1 minute masperpiece inspired from the 60’s spy movies and they called it “Apartomatic”.  It’s fresh, it just came out a few days ago! I think…
P.S. – the guy remembers me of Austin Powers 😀

Teorema lui Artan

Artan de la Partizan, da. Artan ÅŸi nu Artanu, pentru că el e “Artan” ÅŸi nu “Artanu’ ” (dacă nu ÅŸtiÅ£i ce-i ăla, google it). Teorema ar implica niÅŸte ochi roÅŸii, un giroscop, un merÅ£an, un duÅŸman, un Partizan, gin tonic, whiskey ÅŸi după ultima virgulă mi-am pierdut ideea. Oricum, ÅŸtiu că era ceva care rima…ÅŸi nu era pandiÅŸpan. Erau necunoscutele…  Toate chestiile astea ÅŸi un pachet de Å£igări în plus  în “oala” numită “Club A” amestecate bine, dau o seară pe cinste, dar care se va pierde printr-un sertăraÅŸ al memoriei, la un loc cu alte seri… faine (cum ar spune un amic). Åži, sinceră să fiu… nici eu nu înÅ£eleg cum a încăput merÅ£anu’ … Dar un poster în format A3 cu Partizan ar fi fost cu siguranţă memorabil… Păcat că scotch-ul ăla Å£inea atât de bine ÅŸi mâinile gingaÅŸe n-au putut forÅ£a.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

The fat lady from the opera has gone crazy!!!

You really have to see this… @.@ I am still in awe of what my father found on youtube 😀 I attach the lyrics in English so that everyone knows what is really all about (the real translation, not the made-for-America lyrics). I think the Polish guys here have a lot of humour, and they actually transformed an idiotic pop  song into… well, into something funny and nice to listen to 🙂


Hello [on a cellphone], greetings, it’s me, an outlaw,
I ask you, my love, to accept happiness.
Hello, hello, it’s me, Picasso,
I sent you a beep [cellphone signal], and I’m brave [or strong],
But you should know that I’m not asking for anything from you.

You want to leave but you don’t want don’t want to take me, don’t want don’t want to take me, don’t want don’t want don’t want to take me.
Your face and the love from the linden trees,
And I remember your eyes.

I call you [over the phone], to tell you what I feel right now,
Hello, my love, it’s me, your happiness.
Hello, hello, it’s me again, Picasso,
I sent you a beep [cellphone signal] and I’m brave [or strong],
But you should know that I’m not asking for anything from you.

How about reading? Reading books, yeah…

I think we should stop reading stats and blogs, cause at this rate, this is where we are heading to :

how to open a new book... for nOObs

Awesome Tees!!!!!

Tees from (I’m not sure if they have shipping here…)  and

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